Basic lifestyle habits are important for patients with high blood pressure. In particular, weight control is essential for hypertension patients because blood pressure increases as they gain weight. If obese patients lose 22lb, their blood pressure may decrease by 5 to 20. In addition, excessive sodium intake increases blood volume and increases blood pressure by consuming more water. Therefore, a low-salt diet is good for patients with high blood pressure, but it is never easy to practice. Is there any way to enjoy low-salt food? photo by dash diet, Source: The National Institute of Health has developed a dash diet for hypertension patients. DASH is an abbreviation for "The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension", meaning a diet to stop high blood pressure. Eating the same amount of calories as ordinary people can help lower blood pressure by eating a balanced diet. Daily and Weekly DASH Eating Plan Goals for a 2,000-Calorie-a-Day Diet Food Group Daily Servings G...
Intermittent fasting is literally a diet method that fasts intermittently and keeps an empty stomach by skipping meals. It is well known as a relatively easy diet method because it does not have to eat little by little and does not have to cover food. It also has advantages such as improving insulin sensitivity and increasing growth hormone levels. So, is there no side effect of intermittent fasting? The U.S. health information site Harvard Health Publishing has described in detail 4 side effects of intermittent fasting. Time to control weight. Diet or healthy food concept by Marco Verch under Creative Commons 2.0 1. You can get sick Depending on the fasting period, you may feel lethargic, headache, and constipation. It is difficult to exercise because fasting shortens the amount of energy in the body. It causes nervousness, lethargy, anemia, fatigue, etc., slows physical activity due to decreased activity, and reduces the effectiveness of exercise performa...