Do you usually take nutritional supplements? When taking vitamins or iron pills, it is not recommended to take them with coffee. The caffeine in coffee can affect the absorption rate of nutrients. Caffeine helps the stomach contract well, making it faster to digest and faster to digest, there is a possibility that nutrients will be released out of the body before they are absorbed.
In particular, caffeine can interfere with the absorption of vitamin B group, D, iron, and calcium, and cause diuretic action, which can be quickly discharged into the urine before nutrients are absorbed into the body.
Therefore, it is not recommended to take coffee when taking multivitamins containing iron, calcium, and various vitamins. It takes some time for caffeine to decompose in the body, so if you drank coffee, it is recommended to take this kind of nutritional supplement in about two hours.
Then, why don't you take nutritional supplements with tea types such as green tea, black tea, and boy tea? Most tea contains tannin, which tastes bitter. Tannins are combined with iron and released out of the body, so they should not be eaten with iron agents.
Instead, iron pills should be taken with orange juice because vitamin C helps absorb iron. Calcium tablets also help increase absorption rate when taken with fruit juice rich in vitamin C.
Also, depending on the type of nutritional supplements, there are things to take after meals, and it is recommended to take them on an empty stomach. In general, iron is recommended after a meal because it increases the absorption rate before meals, and multi-vitamins are absorbed well only when stomach acid is secreted. Also, fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A and D are good to take after meals because they digest and absorb well if they have fat ingredients.
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